The world speaks IELTS

The TOEFL® Test - Test of English as a Foreign Language™
IELTS is the world’s proven English test. Over 1.2 million candidates take the test each year to start their journeys into international education and employment.
IELTS is recognised by more than 6000 institutions across 120 countries.
You can rely on IELTS - the test that sets the standard.
IELTS Preparation Online Course
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If a Canadian immigration visa officer requests that you take the IELTS, this may be the test that determines whether or not you will be able to immigrate to Canada.

Prepare yourself and get the results you need.

IELTS Listening Preparation
The Listening lessons teach you how to listen attentively and answer each of the different question types with step-by-step instructions and plenty of practice tests. You’ll learn what the Listening test is all about – what sort of questions and format to expect – and you’ll get expert tips.

IELTS Reading Preparation
The Reading lessons will teach you how to understand a reading text and find information quickly and efficiently. They will guide you through the specific question types and how to answer them. You’ll find out what to expect in the Reading test, how to approach the different sections, and you’ll get plenty of expert tips and practice tests to fine tune your reading skills.

IELTS Writing Preparation
The Writing lessons will help you prepare for the specific tasks that will be asked of you in the test. The tutorials focus on improving the skills you will need and give you ideas on how to plan your answers. You’ll find out what to expect in the IELTS Writing test, what type of writing you’ll be asked to do and will get expert tips to make sure you don’t run out of time and that your answers are clear and focused.

IELTS Speaking Preparation
The Speaking lessons focus on the specific parts of the IELTS Speaking test, with expert tips and practice tests which teach you how to respond. You’ll learn what questions to expect in the Speaking test, how to prepare, and what the examiner is looking for.

There are also IELTS Academic Skills & Vocabulary Lessons.
To succeed in all four sections, examiners will be looking for proper vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. These vocabulary and academic skills lessons teach you what you need to know to properly demonstrate your English language ability in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

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